Each country we visit gives us a unique experience through its food, culture, and people. But, to give you a break from all the usual, touristy activities, we thought about introducing you to some of the world’s most unusual event trends. Let’s take a look at a few countries and the weirdest events you could partake in on your next visit.
Bingo Raves in the UK
You probably thought you had heard it all from the UK when they introduced us to the historically adored yet famously bizarre cheese rolling contest of Gloucester. Sit down, though, because there is more to come! Everyone knows how much Brits love a good old bingo game, but no one had expected them to turn it into a rave.
This wonderful event started becoming popular in 2017 and has since grown in success, enough so that it is now being organized in almost every big city across the country country. Bada Bingo have re-appropriated the classic bingo game for contemporary audiences by selling bingo tickets through their marketing of the overall party experience. There’s rave music, excitingly hip venues and wild prizes to be won on the night, which makes it an affordable and interactive night out on the town for Bada Bingo’s key demographic.
Fake Wedding Parties in Argentina
With fewer and fewer people getting married, a few friends from Argentina decided to organize a fake wedding event a few years ago. When they saw that lots of people bought tickets to attend this play-pretend event, they started planning more of these weddings and have since made a professional endeavor of organizing these as a full-time job. Now, their company organizes fake wedding parties, with real locations, caterers, and DJs, and professional actors that play the groom and bride. In total, there are about 700 attendees to their events, each paying a ticket and enjoying themselves until the early hours of the morning.
Hair Freezing Contest in Canada
If you thought this list couldn’t get any weirder, it is our pleasure to introduce to you the hair freezing contest from Canada. The competition has been held yearly since 2011 at a resort in Takhini Hot Springs. There, participants sit in a hot spring and dip their heads in hot water and then start shaping their hair as it starts freezing. With temperatures at -30°C, the hairdo freezes after about one minute and the result represents their entry into the contest. The best one even gets a $2000 prize!
Air Guitar Championship in Finland
Moving onto some music events, this very well-known Finnish Championship has been taking place in Finland since 1996. People from all over the world pay a €25 entry fee to sign up for this competition and to basically mimic guitar playing. The judges are professionals from the performing arts and culture fields and they are looking for the most talented air guitar player! The purpose of this event is to promote world peace and their motto is ‘Make Air Not War’.
If you ever thought people might run out of ideas, these events are the living proof that innovative ideas still exist. There are plenty of events like these that are making an impact in the world and that have probably already been in a TikTok video. Before you plan your next trip, take a look at what unusual activities you could join there and your holiday will turn out a lot more fun than expected!
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