We all know the benefits of eating well, exercising and getting plenty of sleep to help us look and feel at our best. A healthy lifestyle is paramount when it comes to your beauty regimen, and while tending to your outward appearance is important, nutrition is one of the main areas you shouldn’t overlook.
Your body needs essential nutrients to keep your skin looking beautiful, and while a healthy diet can provide you with all the vitamins and minerals you need to look your best, there may be times when your body is running low on certain nutrients. According to research, almost 33% of Americans have at least one vitamin deficiency or anemia.
Supplement manufacturers such as STEEL can offer a range of products to suit your lifestyle and dietary needs. In this article, we will look at some of the best skin-boosting supplements to add to your beauty regimen.
Looking after your skin by choosing gentle cleansers, moisturizing, exfoliating and applying sunscreen will go a long way to ensuring you have beautiful, youthful skin as you get older. However, a skincare routine alone cannot give your skin the radiance and glow it deserves without it being nourishing from within with the right nutrients.
Optimize the appearance of your skin by including some of the following supplements to your diet:
Vitamin A
This vitamin is important for keeping the upper and lower levels of your skin healthy. Acting as a natural moisturizer, vitamin A can help give your skin a natural glow by helping it stay hydrated.
Vitamin A is also needed for the production of retinol, which is known for its anti-aging properties. Retinol can reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles by increasing your body’s collagen production. Collagen is a necessary component for skin elasticity and hydration and as you age your body produces less of this protein which contributes to drier skin and wrinkles.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C is essential for the formation of collagen, helping your skin retain its elastity and youthfulness by diminishing the appearance of fine lines.
Your skin is continually exposed to damage from free radicals in pollution, UV radiation and chemicals. Vitamin C acts as an antioxidant protecting your skin from free radicals which can accelerate the aging process.
Another benefit of vitamin C is its ability to enhance the efficacy of your sunscreen. Combining vitamin C with a broad-spectrum sunscreen can offer your skin optimal protection from UV rays and reduce free radical damage from exposure to the sun. This can give your skin added protection from uneven pigmentation, dark spots and premature aging.
Vitamin D
Vitamin D is one of the best vitamins for maintaining healthy skin. The main source of this vitamin is sunlight so you may find your levels are lower in the winter months when the days are shorter. This vitamin also acts as antioxidant, fighting off damage from free radicals and healthy levels can prevent your skin from aging prematurely.
Vitamin D helps to give your skin an even tone and can help treat skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis.
Consider adding some of these vitamins to supplement your diet and give your skin an added glow.
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