If you’ve got a road trip planned for the near future, there are quite a few things that you’re going to need to plan out and take care of before you’re able to leave on your trip. One of the most important things is getting a car that’s going to safely get you to where you want to be. However, the car that you own right now might not be the best option to take with you on your road trip.
To help you determine if this is the circumstances for you or not, here are three signs that you shouldn’t take your own car on a road trip.
You’ll Cut It Close With Your Lease
For those who lease their car, you might want to think twice about taking it on a long road trip.
According to James R. Healey, a contributor to AARP, many leases have a limitation on how many miles you can put on the car without incurring fines. Knowing this, if you’re close to your mileage limit or you’ll be putting on a lot of miles on the car, you may want to consider renting a car for your road trip or somehow securing another vehicle to drive for your adventure.
You’re Driving An Older Vehicle
The last thing anyone wants to have to deal with while on a road trip is a car that breaks down or stops working for one reason or another. But while there’s never going to be a guarantee that your car will function perfectly while on the road, if your car is older or more worn down, there is generally a greater chance that something could malfunction.
This could result in a car accident and you can end up being injured badly. And if this accident was due to someone else’s negligence, you should contact a personal injury lawyer to file for an injury claim. You can learn more here about how these professionals can help you secure the compensation that you deserve.
As a result, Doug Demuro, a contributor to AutoTrader.com, suggests being very wary about taking a car that’s over 20 years old or that has more than 150,000 miles on it on your road trip. If you are wanting to take a car that falls in this category when you’re going on your next road trip, just make sure that it’s been well maintained and that you have it serviced by a professional before you hit the road, as they should be able to tell you if there’s something that might break down while you’re traveling.
Your Car Isn’t Fuel Efficient
When you’re going to be spending a lot of time on the road, it makes sense to drive a car that’s going to be very fuel efficient. So if your car doesn’t get as many miles to the gallon as you’d like, driving a different car could make a big financial difference.
Although Consumer Reports shares that there are things you can do to get better gas mileage while road tripping, like packing light and driving at slower speeds, if you drive a car that just has better gas mileage, you’ll have an easier time with this.
If you’re wondering whether you should take your car on a road trip on not, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you make this decision.
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