It’s a beautiful day outside, and you have the whole day to do whatever you please. If your idea of a good time is to clean your home from top to bottom, this article is for you. We’re going to give you five house cleaning tips that will get done in an hour or less so that you can spend more time with friends and family this weekend.
We’ll also provide the estimated amount of time it takes for each tip, so if there’s one thing on here that catches your eye but seems too difficult for today, don’t worry. You can permanently save it for another day when there aren’t as many competing demands on your schedule.
1) Dust your furniture
Dusting is a quick and easy way to make your home look neat. All you need is a cloth or duster, and it only takes about fifteen minutes to do the entire house. Start by dusting all of the surfaces in each room, including tables, chairs, doors, dressers, shelves, and other furniture. When dusting doors, don’t forget to dust the new barn door hardware too. Be sure to get into all of the nooks and crannies, and don’t forget to dust the tops of door frames and ceilings.
If any areas seem particularly dusty (like under beds or behind cabinets), take some time to give them an extra scrub. Dust can quickly accumulate over time, so it’s essential to tackle it head-on every once in a while.
2) Vacuum your floors
Vacuuming is another quick and easy way to make your home look neat. All you need is a vacuum cleaner and about twenty minutes to go through each room. Start by vacuuming all carpets, then move on to the hardwood or tile floors. Be sure to get into all corners and around furniture, and don’t forget to vacuum under beds and tables.
If any areas seem particularly dirty (like pet hair in high-traffic areas), take some extra time to give them a good scrubbing. Vacuuming is an integral part of keeping your home clean, but it’s not always enough. Sometimes, you have to get down on your hands and knees to get the best results.
After you’ve vacuumed each room, please take a few minutes to clean out your vacuum cleaner so it can continue doing its job properly for months or years without any kinds of issues. You’ll want to remove anything that’s been stuck inside, from chewing gum wrappers to pieces of string. After that, give everything a good wipe down before putting everything back together again.
3) Clean your bathrooms
Cleaning the bathroom is a great way to get your home looking immaculate and presentable. All you need is some cleaning supplies, such as wipes or sprays for surfaces and toilets and bleach bottles or disinfectant gel for sinks and bathtubs. Spend thirty minutes going through each room thoroughly scrubbing every surface that’s visible from outside the door with all-purpose cleaner (for areas like floors), toilet bowl cleaner, sink spray, shower walls, and glass doors, etc., before moving on to another room. You should also take this time to wipe down any fixtures in these rooms if they’re not already shiny enough. It only takes an extra couple of minutes.
Any spots that seem particularly dirty or stained take some extra time to scrub until they’re entirely gone.
4) Sweep or mop your floors
Sweeping and mopping are other quick ways to make your home look neat. All you need is a broom, dustpan, and some rags for this job. Spend about twenty minutes going through each room with a damp cloth in one hand and a dry one on standby. Start by sweeping all the dirt into piles that can easily be swept up into the dustpan before moving onto larger chunks of debris like cereal bits from breakfast or cookie crumbs from snacks during study breaks.
Once all of the big pieces have been picked up, it’s time to go over everything once more with a damp cloth so as not to miss any spots. If there are still dirty areas after this second pass (like under the table or behind the couch), you can use a scrub brush to get them extra clean.
5) Organize your shelves
Finally, spend about thirty minutes organizing the items on all surfaces in each room. This is a great time to go through any old magazines or books anymore and throw them out. You can also put away anything that’s been randomly placed here or there around your home, so it doesn’t look cluttered. Clear off desks and dressers before putting everything back where it belongs. Doing this will make your rooms feel nice and tidy even if they’re not fully spotless. Afterward, take some time for yourself because you deserve a break after cleaning up such a tremendous mess.
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