It’s great to give your body a workout every day. Exercise is crucial to your well-being. But did you know what can boost the benefits of exercise? Picking trash as you go.
In Sweden, they developed a lifestyle of combining exercise and doing good for the neighborhood and, ultimately, the environment. They called it plogging, combining the Swedish term “plocka up” (picking up) and “jogging.” They started this trend in 2016, and expectedly, it has inspired many people from other parts of the world. Why not? The activity is relatively easy. It does not require advanced skill, whether in “working out” or “picking up.”
Let’s face it. Whenever we walk, we constantly face the dilemma of picking the garbage we come across or simply walking past it. The better recourse is to go with a garbage bag each time you walk or jog. It will make a seemingly small yet significant difference in the world and your life.
Let’s look at the many ways “plogging” is a fantastic idea.
- You can do this alone or with others
There are no requirements to engage in this activity, no hard and fast rules. The idea is simple: pick up trash that you see on your way to walk, jog, or run. You may go alone or with your friends. You can do this while walking your dog, on your way to the office, or as you order your morning coffee. You can go plogging in the morning or at night.
- You can help combat pollution
With such a substantial impact on the environment, giving your body a daily workout through plogging becomes the icing on the cake. The main feature is picking the litter, so it does not end up somewhere it can wreak havoc to nature. The trash in the surroundings will eventually get to the waters and kill marine life. Or they may end up in the landfills and continuously steal the glory of the cities.
- You can exchange trash for cash
If picking trash is not doing enough good, you can amplify the benefits by sorting them out and sending them to a recycling facility in exchange for cash. Mixed paper, plastic bottles and containers, glass jars, and aluminum are just some of the more valuable materials you can find while walking on your way to better health. You may partner with companies like Aluminum Can Recycling Kansas City, which pay top dollars for scraps and use advanced technology to repurpose materials, conserving energy against starting from scratch. Recycling aluminum, for example, can help save over 90% of the energy required to produce a new one. You may use the money for your personal needs, or you may further your good deed and donate it to the underprivileged.
Plogging is a bright idea that everyone must follow. You can do it any day, any time you are available to do so, and reap all the benefits for your well-being and for that of Mother Nature’s.
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