Have you ever thought or considered that perhaps you drink too much alcohol? Self-awareness and acceptance are the foundation of change but not everyone can make changes by themselves. Sometime it takes for someone else to point out how your lifestyle is affecting other things in your life, sometimes we even need a little help in order to actually do something about it.
Cold Turkey?
You may be asking what other actions you can take to reduce your alcohol consumption. If you’ve realized you’re drinking too much and that cutting down or quitting isn’t as simple as you imagined it would be then there are some options available to you like services from IAMACOMEBACK, they can help you to create a new way of life. Many people, including some doctors, believe that abstinence is the only way to recover. However, medical studies have shown that going cold turkey isn’t always the best option.
Understanding intoxication
As the amount of alcohol in your bloodstream rises, you become intoxicated. You get increasingly impaired as your blood alcohol concentration rises. Intoxication with alcohol leads to behavioural and mental alterations. Inappropriate behaviour, unstable moods, impaired judgment, slurred speech, decreased concentration or memory, and poor coordination are some of these symptoms. You may also experience “blackouts,” in which you are unable to recall events. High blood alcohol levels can put you in a coma or possibly kill you.
When excessive and persistent alcohol use is abruptly discontinued or considerably decreased, alcohol withdrawal can occur. It can happen anywhere from a few hours to four or five days afterwards. Sweating, rapid heartbeat, hand tremors, sleeping problems, nausea and vomiting, hallucinations, restlessness and agitation, anxiety, and seizures are some of the signs and symptoms. The symptoms can be so severe that they interfere with your ability to perform at work or in social circumstances.
The first step is to help yourself
If you have ever experienced any of the above issues or symptoms, then you may have seen a doctor and likely been told, I’m really sorry, I cannot help. For most people this will be an absolutely baffling situation to be in. Usually, if you are unwell, you go to a doctor to make you better, or you can self-educate using health blogs like this one. Alcohol is a different ball game altogether as for the most part, excessive alcohol consumption centres in the mind, even physiatrists will have a hard time to help you. Like minded people and a set of principles to live and abide to might be the answer.
You’ve already made the first step by understanding that a change needs to take place, the next will be to look for groups or organisations that can help you work together with other people with the same goal in mind.
Be kind to yourself
Try not to be too hard on yourself, this kind of life changing challenge takes time and very few will succeed the first time around, make sure to read plenty of relevant documents and remember, the key to success will be to remain open minded, to listen, and to take advice from those who have made a success of what they are trying to achieve.
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