The hot flashes. The middle-of-the-night linen changes. How about the crabby moods that follow you daily and make you wish you had all of the hormones back that drove you crazy when you were younger? Menopause may have its advantages, but you’re probably wondering, “What happened to my sense of humour?” Fear not.
Generations of women have managed to survive the onslaught and so will you. Be hopeful. Be brave. And don’t give up. You can do this!
Tip #1: You are what you eat, beautiful woman
Bet you didn’t know that a proper diet can help alleviate menopause symptoms. That’s exactly what you can look forward to if you adopt a healthy eating plan and stick to it. Dairy products, healthy fats, whole grains, fruits, veggies, phytoestrogens and quality proteins are all recommended while limiting sugars, processed carbs, alcohol, caffeine and sodium will also help you battle symptoms.
Tip #2: Consider yoga; no trips to India required
Yoga moves – both restorative and supportive – go a long way to alleviating menopause symptoms and the proof is in the endorsements women bestow upon yoga when they find out it works. Whether you’ve never tried Yoga or your Downward-Facing Dog pose is perfect, specific poses alleviate specific symptoms because each one impacts the body’s physiology differently. This article can help you learn more about the topic and introduce you to moves that could improve all aspects of your life.
Tip #3: Stay active (you get to define active, by the way)
Any type of regular physical activity can help a woman facing menopause . You don’t have to don workout wear to hit the gym, take aerobics classes, lift weights or hit the jogging train if you exercise averse. Even gardening and long walks every day do the trick, and your dog will appreciate your efforts, too.
Tip #4: Take supplements that help with symptoms
Natural menopause supplements beat anything the pharma industry can dish out, so look upon these products as a gift from Mother Nature. While not every formulation may work for you, there are some fabulous choices on the market. Natural supplements can help soothe symptoms associated with menopause and who doesn’t prefer the safety of an all-natural solution over those filled with unknown or possibly dangerous chemicals?
Tip #5: Yes, it is possible to get quality sleep
You don’t have to admit it if you’ve hidden a bag of frozen peas, encased in a large plastic bag, under your pillow so your sheets stay dry, but this is a trick women have used since before peas came frozen, so why not try it? A bedside fan, linen rather than cotton sheets and the yoga we mentioned earlier, if done 3 hours before going to bed, can all help improve your sleep. Here’s news you may not like: Alcohol won’t help you snooze, so make that nightcap milk.
Tip #6: It’s your turn to get some professional help
According to a Harvard University Medical School article on the topic of menopause, women predisposed to depression and mood swings long before they stop menstruating may have a particularly difficult time keeping their emotions in check. If that describes you — and if hormonal changes are leaving you feeling overwhelmed, fatigued and hopeless — there are too many licensed therapists specializing in helping women resolve mental health side effects to leave this stone unturned. You deserve better. You’ve taken care of others in the past. Time to take care of yourself.
Tip #7: You don’t have to kiss your sex life goodbye
If you weren’t aware of it before now, it might give you some comfort to learn about the existence of a non-profit organization calling itself The North American Menopause Society. Medical professionals affiliated with this group urge menopausal women to do whatever it takes to deal with the changes that may have diminished their once-active libidos. From vaginal lubricants and moisturizers to maintaining a healthy sex life through regular stimulation, why would you deprive yourself of one of nature’s truly amazing experiences just because you’ve moved into a new stage of life?
Don’t stop with the 7 tips we’ve listed here because science knows so much more about how to have a great life despite menopause side effects that drive you crazy. We have it on good authority that 60 is the new 40, so live your life to the fullest. You deserve nothing less.
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