It’s not very uncommon for one to struggle with falling asleep once in a while, but when it becomes a regular phenomenon, it can significantly affect your health and productivity. There are many factors that may affect a person’s sleep pattern, which may include stress, fatigue, restlessness, and many other physical and mental distress.
Additionally, there are other medical conditions such as sleep apnea that contribute to sleep deprivation. Improving the pattern and quality of your sleep can be done by following a few simple tips.
However, before you try anything, you ought to ensure that your insomnia isn’t caused by the poor condition of your bedding. Ensure you have a comfortable enough mattress that allows you to relax your backbone and helps your body to rest. For more information about satisfactory and high-quality mattresses that provide all the suitable conditions for relaxation, check here.
The tips below will help you boost the quality of your sleep and improve its duration.
How Can You Improve Your Insomnia?
Maintain a Regular Sleep Schedule
Try to go to bed early and wake up around the same time every day to condition your body to adopt a regular sleep pattern. Having a consistent bedtime can help you get better sleep and enable you to feel less fatigued during the day.
Try to retain your regular sleep schedule even on weekends, especially if you’ve had a hard time sleeping throughout the week. After some time your body will be able to embrace the sleep pattern and your insomnia will improve.
Improve Your Sleeping Environment
Ensure you sleep in a peaceful environment, your bedroom should be a haven where you can relax and enjoy some rest. You need to make sure you are sleeping on a mattress that keeps you cool, have appropriate lighting, and that there is not so much that you can lay down and enjoy uninterrupted sleep.
If there are any sources of disturbance such as pets or noisy devices, consider moving them out of your bedroom to facilitate a peaceful sleeping area.
Try Some Workout Routines
You can try to reduce tension build up in your body muscles and joints by doing some activities such as swimming, jogging, riding a bike, or working out at the gym. Exercise your body after a long tiring day to help you loosen up before it’s time to go to bed.
However, avoid doing vigorous activities just when you are about to go to sleep as it may prevent you from falling asleep sooner.
Reduce Your Caffeine Intake
Cut down on your intake of caffeinated drinks such as coffee, colas, tea, and energy drinks especially when you are about to go to bed. You can drink some warm milk instead. Caffeine prevents you from falling into deep sleep and can interfere with your sleep cycle.
Decrease the Consumption of Some Substances
Alcohol and other mind-altering substances may help you fall asleep but not for long and not properly as they will disrupt your sleep later on and tamper with your rest and peace of mind.
Also, avoid eating and drinking too much before bed as a full belly may cause you discomfort. Not being able to relax can be distracting when you’re trying to fall asleep and an activated digestive system can keep you up for a while. It’s more important to avoid snacking before bed if you have gastroesophageal reflux as this will worsen your symptoms.
Drinking too many fluids before bed will also fill your bladder which will require you to wake up every now and then to use the bathroom.
Smoking can also influence your ability to fall asleep; nicotine, which is a stimulant, can prevent you from sleeping sooner than you should and can cause you to have disrupted sleep throughout the night.
Solutions to Your Insomnia
Follow these tips to help improve your insomnia and eventually you will be able to get rid of it plus any other forms of sleep disorders. You can shape your sleep pattern using healthy bedtime routines that will allow you to fall asleep much quicker and for longer. Sleeping better allows you to feel much better as well as increases your productivity both mentally and physically.
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