New Year’s is a time to reflect on where you are and set goals that align with where you want to be. You may be tempted to make resolutions that push you out of your comfort zone, assuming this is the best way to achieve results. What if you decided to focus on self-care, incorporating practices throughout your day that are dedicated solely to your well-being?
Benefits of Regular Self-Care Practice
You may have heard the saying, “You can’t pour from an empty cup,” which means you can’t give your best if you don’t feel your best. Self-care, in simplest terms, means keeping your cup consistently full. It is the practice of engaging in behaviors and activities that protect and promote well-being and happiness. Regularly tending to self-care touts many benefits, including:
- Greater resilience
- Reduced stress and anxiety
- Improved health (physical, mental and emotional)
- Increased self-esteem
- Longer life span
- Better relationships
5 Self-Care Routines That Make It All About You
If you’re at a loss for where to start, fear not. There are plenty of ways to make YOU a top priority. You may even already have glimpses of self-care sprinkled throughout your day, and you just need to be a bit more intentional in solidifying them as habits.
1. Start your day with some enjoyment.
Set a pleasant tone to the day with something simple, yet satisfying, such as a warm cup of coffee or tea, or a soothing shower.
2. Get moving.
Take a stroll during your lunch break. Movement, along with a good cleanse for bloating, will help stave off ill effects from your meal, so you’re ready for the afternoon.
3. Eat a balanced diet.
Speaking of eating, include plenty of leafy greens, fruits and veggies in your meals and snacks. The nutrients from these powerhouses will keep you in optimal health. If you’re experiencing digestive troubles, a stomach cleanse detox can get you back on track.
4. Spend time in nature.
Being outside can help you hit pause and just be present. If you’re not the outdoorsy type, you can still reap the benefits from the comfort of your porch.
5. Jot down three things you’re grateful for.
Staying mindful of what you have keeps things in perspective and helps you to better cope with disappointment.
Tips to Committing to a Daily Self-Care Routine
The benefits of self-care are greatest when you practice regularly. Use the following tips to ensure that your routines are sustainable:
1. Find what brings you joy.
You are more likely to stick with a routine that you enjoy, so choose with authenticity.
2. Start small.
Making gradual changes is more effective than overhauling your whole routine all at once.
3. Set daily goals for implementing self-care.
Instead of trying to incorporate multiple practices all at once, pick one or two to focus on for the day. Quality over quantity.
4. Give yourself grace.
In reality, you won’t always hit your goals. If you ate junk food all day, instead of self-chastizing, let yourself enjoy the benefits of silicon dioxide and try again tomorrow.
New Year, New You
It’s time to cleanse yourself of anything that doesn’t support your well-being. Commit to self-care and make the new year your best year yet.
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